University of Birmingham


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The University of Birmingham Research Archive [UBIRA] is the open access repository for full text research material produced by University researchers.

More about UBIRA

More about open access



Collections in UBIRA

The UBIRA repository comprises several collections, grouped by type:



(???? publication records)

Pure is for the deposit of published, peer reviewed full-text research material, including articles, conference papers, book chapters and other refereed publications. This collection includes both 'gold' open access publisher versions and 'green' open access final draft manuscripts.

You can ensure compliance with the HEFCE OA policy for the post-2014 REF and funder open access requirements by self-archiving your publications in Pure.

How to deposit your published work in UBIRA, via Pure



(Research datasets)

The UBIRA eData repository is the institutional research data repository allowing the archiving and publication of datasets produced by University researchers.

Published datasets are given a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) allowing researchers to comply with funder policies and the uploaded dataset is archived in the University of Birmingham's research data archive.

Browse or search for research datasets via

Guidance on using the eData repository and research data management in general.



(???? full-text theses)

The eTheses collection is for full-text electronic copies of theses produced by research postgraduates from the University. It is part of the national EThOS service.

Browse or search for etheses via

How to deposit your thesis in UBIRA



(???? items)

The ePapers Repository is for the deposit of open access working papers, technical reports and other 'grey literature' which have not been through formal peer review. Non-standard publications such as collections of images and conference posters may also be included.

Browse or search these collections:

Please contact the Digital Assets team at to discuss the deposit of these materials, or with any other query about UBIRA.


Page Created : 02:02 27/07/2024